
Bunge North America Grows in Missouri

Gov. Jay Nixon announced today that Bunge North America, a leading agribusiness and food ingredient company, is finalizing the development of a new, state-of-the-art headquarters in St. Louis County and a ... Read More

Missouri Takes the Global Lead in AgTech

Missouri companies like Monsanto, the Danforth Plant Science Center, Yield Lab, DuPont, BASF, Bunge, KWS and others are leading the world in innovative agricultural technology, plant science and research. Gone are ... Read More

Missouri-based companies continue to lead the world in AgTech

It seems every day we hear about another Missouri-based companies leading the AgTech industry.   Whether through the latest in animal health, big data and precision agriculture, seed development, or new ... Read More

BioGenerator investment lures North Carolina biotech startup to St. Louis

Edison Agrosciences, a biotech company originally from Durham, North Carolina, announced Monday it plans to relocate its headquarters to St. Louis. To help facilitate the move, the BioGenerator and Missouri Technology ... Read More

Another Great Year for Missouri: 58 expansions, 5,700 new jobs and $473M investment

Among the headlines for this week’s development news: 2015 was another great year for Missouri, State’s general revenue report shows growing economy, Automotive sector helping drive state’s economy, Missouri’s graduation rate ... Read More

Indian AgTech Company to Establish US HQ at Helix Center

The Missouri Department of Economic Development announced today that Indian AgTech company Lacgene Technologies is establishing its U.S. headquarters at the Helix Center Biotech Incubator in St. Louis, Missouri. The U.S. ... Read More

BioGenerator helps predictive agtech startup raise $1.2 million

An Argentina-based startup that recently set up its North American operations in St. Louis has raised $1.2 million from a group of investors led by the BioGenerator. S4, also known as ... Read More

Monsanto to move R&D jobs to Missouri

Missouri-based Monsanto Company announced plans to move 65 jobs to its Chesterfield Research Village, just outside of St. Louis, in 2016. These jobs will be moving from: Research Triangle Park, North ... Read More

AgTech Company SyMyco to expand footprint in BRDG Park

Officials with plant science startup SyMyco Inc., which moved to St. Louis from India in 2011, say they plan to expand their presence in BRDG Park by tripling the company’s research ... Read More

Columbia AgTech Start-up Elemental Enzymes partners with Bayer

As a world leader in animal health and plant sciences, Missouri has become a principle contributor to the global bioscience industry. Drs. Brian and Katie Thompson, of Elemental Enzymes Ag and ... Read More