Mark Sutherland will join the Missouri Partnership as the organization’s new Vice President, Market Strategies in September.
ST. LOUIS, MO – 08/18/2015 — The Missouri Partnership recently announced the selection of Mark Sutherland as its new Vice President, Market Strategies. Sutherland will officially join the Partnership team on September 8th.
“After a thorough selection process, I am excited to have Mark lead the Partnership’s marketing efforts as the new VP, Market Strategies,” Missouri Partnership CEO Steve Johnson said. “Mark’s background and expertise are precisely what the Partnership needs to continue promoting the state of Missouri as a great place for business and I know he will be an outstanding addition to this team.”
For more than two decades Sutherland has worked in nearly every facet of professional communications. He is a published author, talented public speaker and a well-rounded communication strategist. Sutherland has served as the Chief Communications Officer of the St. Louis-based marketing firm Elasticity since 2012 where he directly supported the work of the St. Louis Regional Chamber, the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership, Cortex Innovation Community and the Scottish Government. He previously served in communication positions at Monsanto Company and Allsup, Inc.
“The Partnership is doing some incredible work to promote the economic strengths of Missouri to business leaders around the world,” Sutherland said. “The work the team has been doing, and will do, to support the recruitment of businesses from around the world is essential to our state. I am honored to be joining the team and look forward to helping take Missouri business attraction to the next level.”
Sutherland has won numerous awards for professional communications and has also been recognized by both President Bush and President Obama for his charitable work. A native of the UK, he holds a Bachelor’s degree in Global Leadership and Management from Washington University in St. Louis.
About the Missouri Partnership
The Missouri Partnership is the principal business recruitment and marketing organization for the state of Missouri. The Partnership—whose mission focuses exclusively on attracting new industry to the state—works with the Missouri Department of Economic Development, the Hawthorn Foundation and regional economic development organizations across the state to deliver support to companies considering investment in Missouri.